![]() I only have a few recs so far, but I do plan to add to the page. There are so many wonderful Due South authors out there. Here are a few of my favorites: Speranza: Speranza's due South Stories I believe that anyone who is a F/K fan should be required to read Speranza's stories. Her writing style is rich, her characterizations are wonderful. She is a true talent who I envy and worship. I would recommend all of her stories but a few of my favorites are: With Six You Get Eggroll: I'm usually very wary about fics with kids that aren't canon characters. Too often, the kids become mini-Mary-Sue's. They take over the story and the main characters suffer. Well, this is so not so with Speranza's "With Six You Get Eggroll." The kids in the story add to the plot, they do not distract. They also bring out qualities in Fraser and Kowalski that are believable and add to the characters. The story also has one of my favorite elements of DS stories, Vecchio finds out about F/K. Juggling Act: Fraser and Ray join the circus. And no, it's not an AU. I read this story, and I couldn't stop laughing. Ray as an angry clown is priceless. From the bearded lady to the brothers, the original characters are wonderful and well-developed. Eight Sessions: Because of a shooting on the job, Fraser and Ray end up in counseling and must endure eight sessions with the psychiatrists. What starts off as humorous encounters between patients and doctors ends up in emotionally revealing sessions that leave both the patients and their doctors surprised. This is a lovely story that blends humor, pathos, and romance in a gentle, wonderful web. Chicago's Most Wanted: I will wave my hand high and admit, "I am a Bad-Ben girl!" "I love alpha-Fraser!" Guess what? This story has them! Fraser goes undercover and ends up with a concussion, and a small case of amnesia. As a result, he becomes a modern Robin Hood. The public loves him, the authorities want him in jail, Ray wants to find and protect him, and Fraser? Well, Fraser wants Ray, in the worst possible way. Hysterically funny, immensely sweet. Oh, if only there had been a televised episode for this story. Mazeppa The Perils Series Mazeppa has made so many F/K ecstatic with her Perils series. She is now up to number 6 - Perils of the Bride-a-saurus. I can see the stories behind televised episodes. The humor, wild plots, and great Fraser-Kowalski interaction are all here. Of course, with the stories we also get F/K sex. And, following my kink for Vecchio knows stories, "Perils of the Mad Trapper" has it, and it's great. I love a good Vecchio, Fraser stand-off and Mazeppa writes it with a flair. YeungMaiSu YeungMaiSu's Page Beth is a great person and a great author. As I mentioned before, I love a good Vecchio finds out story, and Beth has written one of my favorites. What the Heart Sees: Told from Vecchio's p.o.v., Beth gives an intriguing insight out to the man. His relationship with his pregnant wife, his animosity towards Kowalski, and his confused feelings towards Fraser. Some people might not find this to be a happy story, but it is a real story. It is powerfully written, with strong characterizations. There is also a sequel Honor and Glory from Vecchio's p.o.v. that centers around his kidnapped child and Fraser and Kowalski's return. Nicely done, and great F/K moments. Elizabeth Slaves Slaves: Forgiveness Slaves: Healing I sometimes feel that Elizabeth is an underrated DS author. Her writing is powerful, her detail and characterizations are strong. She can write canon, AU, and crossovers. Slaves series: A definite AU. Fraser is with the RCMP and in Chicago, but this Chicago is slightly different. In this Chicago, RayK. is a slave. So far, there are 3 parts to this series. All are long and well written. The inclusion of canon characters is wonderful. From Beth Bottrell to Volpe to Geiger and even Victoria, everyone seems to make an appearance. The story's content may not be for everyone, but it is a strong, well-written, intense story that makes one think about the possibilities of "what if?" Grey Dibs Voices I first came across Grey when she was writing Sentinel fanfiction. Then a wonderful thing happened, she came to Due South and it's never been the same. Dibs: When Turnbull decides he wants to date Ray, Fraser has to find a way to keep his partner for himself. So, he calls dibs. At times, funny, sweet, and intense, this wonderful first-time story, centered around a difficult case has strong characterizations and a attention-keeping plot. Voices: I read the story and was hooked. Ray's hearing voices, well one voice in particular, Fraser's, and he's telling him to do all sorts of naughty and wonderful things. When Ray ends up hurt in the line of duty, he and Fraser discover each other, and Fraser discovers the secrets of Ray's past. Grey writes a wonderful angst-filled Ray. Even when he is hurting, he is still strong and still Ray. Callie Two Hearts Chase the Past Callie has to be one of the most prolific DS authors out there, and I'm glad. I think of her as a feel good author because her stories do make you feel good. Angst or humor, romance is always at the core. Two Hearts: What if Ray was still married to Stella when he was partnered with Fraser? How does he handle being torn between two people? It's an interesting idea and well-written. Chase the Past: This is a personal favorite because Callie wrote it after I passed on a plot bunny to her. I loved the idea of what would happen if Ray showed up at his high school reunion with Fraser on his arm. Another thing I love, Ray being referred to as, "sex on a stick." Magnes and Karra Tales of the Mountie Slayer These two have created the wonderful Tales of the Mountie Slayer. I'm not even sure how to explain. It's a crossover galore, with wonderful original characters, complex plots that are a thrill to get lost in, and the story keeps on going. So, if you like Fraser and Ray, vampires, werewolves (including Dief), and all other types of strange products of the imagination, check this out. ![]() |